Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick -or- Treat!

Haley and Sydney posing....

Colin the green skeleton.

Braden the white skeleton.

Haley our spider web princess.

Payton showing off her newly learned 'trick-or-treat' skills while Sydney looks precious in the stroller.

Anyone need a paper shredder???

Sydney was taking a nap... or so we thought!
She reached down out of her crib into a little basket of paperwork I had there.... well, you can see the result!
It seems she spent the entire naptime shredding paper! She removed and shredded all the pages from a steno notebook as well as most of the other paper I had in that basket. She was quite good at this project and completely filled her little crib with paper!
She was quite pleased with her efforts!! :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin time!!

We all had a great time carving pumpkins!!

Each child choose a design to make....

Colin even drew and carved his very own all by himself. He was so proud of it.

Haley's Cat

Braden's Grin and Colin's Robot.