Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We welcomed our sixth child to the family on December 10th... a beautiful boy...

Here is a little bit about his birth:
We got to the hospital at 7:45am on Friday after waking all the kids and kissing everyone goodbye and happy school day. They got me situated in my room and then after all the paperwork the nurses started the ivs and monitors. They started the pitocin at 2 units per hour and we just waited... contractions were starting to get regular and they did up the amount to 4 and then 6... for a vbac they can't use more than 8-10 units (explained to me as drips per hour in the iv) where a regular induction they will go all the way up to 40! (That is why it took so long.)  It was actually a good thing that it was taking a long time as not only was the quiet day at the hospital heavenly given how busy and loud it is at home, it was much needed time to finally discuss what we would name this child.  And even as labor was picking up, we were still at a stand still with boys' names but had Regan Hannah ready for a girl.  At about 3pm the contractions were getting pretty painful and I was rocking and breathing and just battling through them. I guess I would say they were around an 8 (out of 10). Eventually I had had enough and asked for an epidural... by the time the epidural man came they were more like a 9 and I was pretty happy when the numbness took over. I was still only around 3-4 cm and the doc kept saying that once I got to 5 and 100% things would take off. Well a few hours passed and finally just before 8pm they checked me again and I was at 5. At this point I was starting to feel the pain in the contractions again despite the epi and I knew things were going to be happening quickly. Well, he came to check at 8:30 and I was ready! So they got all set up and turned off my epi so I could feel and push better and at just before 8:45 I started to push. Well let me tell you... I was missing that epi a bit but I pushed through 3 contractions and HE was born. 9lbs 3oz and 21inches.  So so big and cute! We still hadn't settled on a name!  They laid him right on me... I was in love! After he was all cleaned up and I was too they left us alone for that wonderful golden hour... ahh I missed that so much with my section! He latched and nursed right away. Bill followed him up to the nursery while I waited to feel my legs again enough to be brought to my room. On the way there we passed the nursery windows I could see Bill and Our baby Boy in there... poor little man was getting blood taken. I think they finally brought him back to me around midnight. I was so glad to get him back with me. Bill went home to relieve my mom and be home for the kids in the morning.  I held and loved up on our guys still trying names on him.  Finally at about 2am I spoke to Bill and we decided that Nolan William would be his name.  So about 5 hours after his birth we finally had name! 

The next morning Bill and all the kids and also both sets of grandparents came to the hospital all at once. It was a bit crazy but so so good to have all the kids together. Haley was just so thrilled to see him and she couldn't get enough of Nolan. Colin was a little sad but came around quickly and was really cute and sweet with Nolan. Braden couldn't contain his excitement about having a brother... he was just thrilled but a little upset that we didn't name him Bradley. Sydney just wanted to be hugged by me and we cuddled a bunch. She looked at Nolan and said nice baby and that was about it. Payton was ignoring me and it took her a while to want to come and hug me. Finally she did but was pretty busy being busy and running about. 

And here is our first crazy picture as a family of 8!  I just love it!  :) 

We got home on Sunday around 3pm. Nolan did great on the 40 minute ride home and seemed undisturbed by all the noise and commotion. We celebrated with a big family dinner for all 8 of us with sushi and chinese take out... so fun!

Overall everything is going so well. It is hard to believe that he is almost 1 week old already. Every morning the kids kiss him before they head out to school and can't wait to hold him when they get home. So sweet to see them so interested in and in love with their baby brother.   It make my heart melt!