Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Kiss

Today I witnessed one of the sweetest moments I have seen in a long while.

While I was changing Sydney's diaper on the playroom sofa this morning, Payton came toddling over and leaned over and kissed Sydney on her forehead. I was so touched by this little display of affection between the two. Sydney looked up and acknowledged her sister with a cute little smile. It was just so precious to see Payton display her love for her twin like that. It surprised be because Payton isn't a big kisser - she rarely kisses anyone!

Well don't you know that is got even better? Moments later as I was changing Payton's diaper, Sydney cruised on over and returned the little kiss right on Payton's forehead.

How sweet is that???

1 comment:

  1. Hi's gretchen from the old babycenter. Just popping in to see how you are. You look lovely and so do your kids! Good to see you!
