Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Little Eggert #6...

Last week we had the "BIG" u/s. A level 2 u/s at the Perinatologist's office. The baby looks great! We got to see all the important parts... (that's like all the parts! ;) ) of this little one and all is there and where it is supposed to be. Of course the 20week scan is when most people discover the gender of their baby but we chose yet again not to... so we will continue to wait and wonder until December.

They were able to give us a few pictures too... Our little one had his or her little arms over the face so only a profile this time...

And then this picture of the little feet... talk about sweet! :) (But is does remind me that there will be even more little shoes around this house!! )

I had an OB appointment yesterday morning and all is going great there too. He also said that I'm the "perfect candidate for a VBAC". I'm so happy! Since one of the twins was breech, I had no choice but to have a c-section but I wasn't that thrilled about it. Of course I chose to do what ever would get them out as safely as possible but the recovery from the C was for the birds! I have been hoping since I found out that I was pregnant that I would be able to have a regular delivery with this baby but have been hesitant to bring it up with my doctor for fear that he would flat out refuse. Of course my timing is just great because vbac has been in the news both nationally and locally in the recent months and more and more studies are finding that there are usually no reason why most women who have had a c-section can't attempt a vbac. And the old "once a section always a section" rule doesn't necessarily hold true anymore. Of course there is much to discuss yet about risks and all but I'm just happy for now with the prospect of getting the chance to avoid major surgery. :)


  1. Precious pictures of that little one! I am so excited for you guys!

    ps, the gender thing is driving me nuts, do you mind if *I* call your OB and find out the gender of your baby? I promise I won't tell you. LOL
